Product Detail :
Auction sale of House admeasuring 29-90 Sq.mts* . Mortgaged Immovable Property A residential house constructed on the land of Plot No.26/Paike land admeasuring 29-90 Sq.mts. and Plot No.27/Paike land admeasuring 18-20 Sq.mts. total land admeasuring 48-10 Sq.mits. (Known as Sub Plot 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23/9) of R.S.No. 122/2/Paike (122/2/Paike-2) land admeasuring Ac. 3-29 Guthas of Khamdhrol known as "Prernadham-1 located within the limits of Junagadh Municipal Corporation.