Ref. No. : 70694623   
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Corrigendum 01
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Product Detail : Supply of Laboratory Equipment Kit Component for Ee Department A. Study of the Characteristics of a Compound D.c Generator (short Shunt) [see Annexure-1a for Detail Specification] , "b. Measurement of the Speed of a D.c Series Motor as a Function of Load Torque [see Annexure-1b for Detail Specification], ", C. Polarity Test on a Single- Phase Transformer [see Annexure-1c for Detail Specification] , "d. Study of Parallel Operation of Single-phase Transformer. [see Annexure-1d for Detail Specification], ", "e. Determination of Temperature Rise and Efficiency of the Transformer (back to Back Test) [see Annexure-1e for Detail Specification], ", "f. Study of Three-phase Transformer Connections., [see Annexure-1f for Detail Specification], ", Equipment & Setup Required for Electrical Machines Ii Lab., "a. Different Method of Starting of 3- Phase Sq. Cage Induction Motor & Their Comparison (dol Starter, Star-delta Starter, Auto Transformer Starter). [see Annexure-2a for Detail Specification], , ", B. Study of Performance of Wound Rotor Induction Motor Under Load. [see Annexure-2b for Detail Specification], C. Determination of Iron Loss, Friction Loss and Windage Loss of 3-phase Induction Motor [see Annexure-2c for Detail Specification], "d. Speed Control of Three Phase Slip Ring Induction Motor By Rotor Resistance Control. [see Annexure-2d for Detail Specification], ", "e. Determination of Regulation of Synchronous Machine By (i) Potier Reactance Method.(ii) Synchronous Impedance Method., [see Annexure-2e for Detail Specification], ", F. Determination of Equivalent Circuit Parameters of a Single Phase Induction Motor. [see Annexure-2f for Detail Specification], "g. Load Test on Single Phase Induction Motor to Obtain the Performance Characteristics. [see Annexure-2g for Detail Specification], ", "h. to Determine the Direct Axis Reactance (xd) & Quadrature Axis Reactance (xq) of Three Phase Synchronous Machine By Slip Test., [see Annexure-2h for Detail Specification]", "i. Parallel Operation of 3 Phase Synchronous Generators., [see Annexure-2i for Detail Specification]", "j. V-curve of Synchronous Motor., [see Annexure-2j for Detail Specification]", "k. Load Test on Wound Rotor Induction Motor to Obtain the Performance Characteristics. [see Annexure-2k for Detail Specification], ", L. to Make a Connection Diagram of a Full Pitch & Fractional Slot Winding of An 18 Slot Sq. Cage Induction Motor for 6 Pole and 4 Pole Operation. [see Annexure-2l for Detail Specification], "m. to Study the Performance of the Induction Generator., [see Annexure-2m for Detail Specification]", Equipment & Setup Required for Power System I Lab, "a. Study of Distribution System By Dc Network Analyzer, [see Annexure-3a for Detail Specification]", "b. Measurement of Earth Resistance By Earth Tester , [see Annexure-3b for Detail Specification]", "c. Determination of Dielectric Strength of Insulating Oil., [see Annexure-3c for Detail Specification]", "d. Determination of Breakdown Strength of Solid Insulating Material, [see Annexure-3d for Detail Specification], ", E. Study of Active and Reactive Power Control of Alternator.[see Annexure-3e for Detail Specification], F. Determination of Dielectric Constant, Tan Delta, Resistivity of Transformer Oil.[see Annexure-3f for Detail Specification], Equipment & Setup Required for Power System Ii Lab., A. Study on the Characteristics of on Load Time Delay Relay and Off Load Time Delay Relay [see Annexure-4a for Detail Specification], B. Test to Find Out Polarity, Ratio and Magnetization Characteristics of Ct and Pt [see Annexure-4b for Detail Specification], "c. Test to Find Out Characteristics of (a) Under Voltage Relay (b) Earth Fault Relay [see Annexure-4c for Detail Specification], ", "d. Study of Different Characteristics of Over Current Relay., [see Annexure-4d for Detail Specification]", Equipment & Setup Required for Control System Lab., "a. Linear System Simulator , [see Annexure-5a for Detail Specification]", Equipment & Setup Required for Power Electronics Lab., "a. Study of Different Triggering Circuits of An Scr, [see Annexure-6a for Detail Specification] ", B. Study of Performance of Pwm Bridge Inverter Using Mosfet as Switch with R and R-l Load [see Annexure-6b for Detail Specification], C. Study of Firing Circuits Suitable for Triggering Scr in a Single Phase Full Controlled Bridge [see Annexure-6c for Detail Specification], of the Operation of a Single Phase Full Controlled Bridge Converter with R and R-l Load [see Annexure-6d for Detail Specification] , "e. Study of Performance of Single Phase Half Controlled Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Bridge Converters., [see Annexure-6e for Detail Specification]", F. Study of Performance of Step Down Chopper with R and R-l Load with Digital Display. [see Annexure-6f for Detail Specification], G. Study of the Characteristics of An Scr.v-i Characteristics with Digital 3 Nos Meters [see Annexure-6g for Detail Specification], "h. Study of the Cha
Tender Location : West Bengal - India
Document Path : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Tender Closing Date : 29/04/2024 at 00:00 Hrs.
Tender Opening Date : 30/04/2024 at 11:00 Hrs.
Address : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Sub-Industry/Industry : Education And Research Institute - Non-financial Services   
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